On the 12:30 on the afternoon me and farhana kamaruddin(best friend)..we departure from our home by using my car and on our way to the most outstanding event of the year 2009 and it is the Comic Fiesta event at Sunway Pyramid..when I said outstanding it is because for us both it is a memorable day because we didn't get a chance to go there last year..and it is not easy for us to get to Sunway as it is far from where we lived..Okay...enough blaberring about that..haha.
as you can see up here it is a photo i snapped as soon as we arrived there..and it is exciting..and it is crowded with people..and to enter there we need to pay RM15..and get a ticket in a form of wristband...
and for people like us who are anime otakku..hehe..it was worth it..not to mention that a lot of booth is being open there..and one of them of them is anime tech..
Will new post anytime soon....huhukk....still new to this whole blogging thing....
as you can see up here it is a photo i snapped as soon as we arrived there..and it is exciting..and it is crowded with people..and to enter there we need to pay RM15..and get a ticket in a form of wristband...
Will new post anytime soon....huhukk....still new to this whole blogging thing....